Home » Q&A with HOPE Benin’s country director

Q&A with HOPE Benin’s country director

Yvette, HOPE Benin's country director

In 2023, HOPE International expanded to start a new savings group program in Benin! Last November, Yvette Missainhoun (pictured above) joined us as HOPE Benin’s country director. Since then, she’s formed a team of skilled, dedicated staff and built relationships with local church leaders. On June 22, we celebrated HOPE Benin’s launch with two new church partners!

Yvette holds bachelor’s degrees in accounting and theology and has taken various practical training courses in France, South Africa, and the U.S. She carries a wealth of experience in leadership and management with various Christian organizations in Benin. We’re deeply grateful for her commitment to bringing Christ’s love and economic revival to underserved communities. Yvette lives with her husband and their three sons in the southern region of Benin.

Recently, Yvette sat down with us to share about why we’re launching savings groups in Benin, who our church partners are, and how we can pray for her team.

Q: Why is the model of Christ-centered savings groups a good fit for the needs of people and communities in Benin?

A: The Gospel is spreading in Benin, with a significant portion of the population identifying as Christians. However, there is a need for the Gospel to reach further, especially into underserved communities, so that these communities can be transformed by its message. Additionally, it is important to dispel the perception that says we are poor [or] we are cursed even though we are Christians, which perpetuates poverty. Savings groups support evangelism by promoting holistic development and encouraging wealth creation for the economic development of communities, in partnership with churches.

Saving groups need to be well received and accepted in the field, particularly among members of our partner churches, and should cover the entire Beninese territory, including remote areas. The savings group model is a good fit for Benin because it will enable holistic development that leads to significant and lasting transformation in the lives of people living in poverty.

Additionally, the savings groups will answer the needs of churches in Benin.

Q: Tell us about our new church partners in Benin and why they’re excited to start the savings group ministry.
Yvette shakes hands with a church leader

Yvette shakes hands with the president of the Union of Baptist Churches of Benin.

A: We know our church partners play a big role in implementing the savings group ministry and helping it thrive. We have just signed partnerships with the Assemblies of God Church of Benin and Union des Églises Baptiste du Bénin (“Union of Baptist Churches of Benin”). These are the major evangelical churches that have been active in Benin for decades, with hundreds of local congregations spread across the country, bringing together thousands of faithful members. They’re engaged in impressive evangelism and have also invested in various development sectors such as education, agriculture, and financial literacy.

These churches are excited about starting the savings group ministry because it provides another opportunity to invest in people’s lives, complementing their long-standing efforts to promote both spiritual and economic development in Benin. It also allows them to further glorify the name of Jesus through their work.

Q: Your team has completed the legal registration process. Now you’re training church facilitators, field coordinators, and accountants on the ministry so they can launch savings groups! How can HOPE supporters be praying?

A: We have just begun, so please pray for wisdom and good leadership, effective collaboration within our team, and smooth and efficient partnership with our church partners.

As we launch HOPE in Benin, please pray for us so that God guides us, ensuring that everything we do glorifies Him and leaves a positive impact on our country.

Pray for the success of the savings group program, with many participants experiencing tangible transformation and improvements in their lives, both economically and spiritually.

Ask for God’s guidance in reaching underserved communities and for the savings groups to be a source of empowerment and transformation. Pray for protection and perseverance for all the parties involved, as we face challenges and work towards making a lasting impact in Benin.

We can pray also for the onboarding of church partner staff so that God empowers and encourages them to do His work.

Lastly, pray that God continues to bless my beautiful country Benin.

The HOPE Benin team smile together

The HOPE Benin team

To hear more from the leaders on the front lines of our global programs, check out our Q&A with HOPE Tanzania leader Anna Makundi. Or read this devotional on why integrating discipleship into our financial services is so important by our vice president of integrated strategy.



As Christ’s followers responding to His great love, HOPE International seeks physical, social, spiritual, and personal restoration in places of brokenness. Through Christ-centered economic development, we empower men and women to strengthen their families, build their businesses, and unleash their dreams.

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