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By Andriy Kopyl, managing director, HOPE Ukraine

It’s been three years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. And life in my country continues to feel more and more fragile with each passing day.

Thousands have been killed. The constant threat of attacks and the sound of sirens have become a part of our daily lives, causing many to experience sleep deprivation and stress.

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“When I need help, God supports me,” reflects Moldovan farmer Evgheni Malai. 

As the Russia-Ukraine war presses into a third year, many families in the surrounding region live in fear that the violence will spread across their borders. Moldova is especially vulnerable, sharing a border with Ukraine and economic ties with Russia. Farmers like Evgheni Malai and his twin brother Denis in Moldova face a difficult choice: leave their livelihoods behind and flee, or stay and learn to adapt their business to a wartime economy.   Continue Reading…