Home » How Shruti’s savings group supported her in her hardest moments

How Shruti’s savings group supported her in her hardest moments

Shruti and her husband didn’t know how to save before joining a savings group—they just wanted to better provide for their three sons.  

She couldn’t have guessed it at the time, but setting aside 200 rupees ($2.40 U.S.) each month with her savings group in South Asia would empower Shruti to respond when her family needed it most. 

Opening doors for her son 

When Shruti’s second son needed a job, she used a year’s worth of savings to help him open a mechanic shop. She purchased tools for the business throughout the year to help him take bigger jobs and increase his income. His shop eventually grew to help support their entire family. 

Held through a health crisis 

Then, a disaster arose: Shruti’s youngest son was injured in an accident. He needed surgery—but Shruti’s savings couldn’t cover the cost this time.  

“I did not even have 10 rupees in my hand,” she recalls.  

Shruti was distraught. She begged her friends to loan her money, but no one would help.  

Then, her savings group stepped forward—members gave her 20,000 rupees ($240 U.S.) from their own savings. “I will never forget that moment,” she says. 

And, by God’s grace, their generosity began a ripple effect. “I strongly believe that after the group members stood beside me in that difficult time, other people saw that and decided to help as well,” Shruti relates. 

Slowly, Shruti gathered enough for the surgery. Throughout the 45 days her son was in a coma, every member of her group came to visit her. By God’s grace, her son eventually recovered—and Shruti left the hospital with a life-changing glimpse of Christlike community. 

Spreading God’s love

Now, Shruti continues to learn about God with her group. “I feel that each time I hear more about Jesus, I am growing closer to Him,” she says. 

Shruti (center) and her family

The savings group has impacted Shruti’s family, too. “My husband used to drink a lot. But by the grace of God, he has stopped drinking and we are living happily with peace in the family,” she says. “Our family has healed and grown stronger together.” 

Her three daughters-in-law have also joined her savings group, and Shruti is encouraging her sons to follow suit. 

Shruti hopes that her entire community can join savings groups. “As I am growing in the Lord, I wish to make more people hear about Jesus through savings groups,” she says. “I always tell my facilitator that we wish to start 20 groups in this village to help more people.” 

We praise God for His work in Shruti’s life! For more stories from South Asia, read how Farah’s finding new purpose as a leader in the savings group ministry or watch how Divya’s savings group helped her escape a lifetime of debt. 

*Name changed and location withheld for security 



As Christ’s followers responding to His great love, HOPE International seeks physical, social, spiritual, and personal restoration in places of brokenness. Through Christ-centered economic development, we empower men and women to strengthen their families, build their businesses, and unleash their dreams.

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