She didn’t say much.
Actions speak louder than words. And Mary’s roar: Breaking generational poverty, Mary has sent nine children—mostly daughters—to school in a region where less than 45 percent of women can read.
“Without education, you won’t go far,” Mary said.
At HOPE, we believe poverty is more than financial lack. It’s a mindset.
It’s being told: “You can’t. You won’t. You’re incapable.”
Mary is shattering this belief. Saving money for school fees, Mary is telling her daughters something different.
Through her life, she says, “You can. You will. You have potential.”

Mary with members of her family
Today, her youngest daughter is the village scholar.
Her eldest daughter is a savings group member, alongside her.
And one daughter is the region’s schoolteacher.

Mary’s daughter, a schoolteacher
Thank you for coming alongside mothers like Mary who are investing in their daughters’ dreams.