Archives For flourishing

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By Dan Williams, Director of Spiritual Integration

A weekly series from HOPE’s director of spiritual integration

Over the past six weeks, we’ve wrestled with the idea of integrating discipleship—intentionally creating opportunities where hearts can be transformed and developing the means for that transformation to be expressed. As we conclude this series, what I want to suggest is that discipleship is essential for true flourishing.

When we talk about flourishing, it’s important to think holistically—spiritually, materially, personally, and socially. If we only think about flourishing in the silos of our life, we will experience progress in these areas but miss the whole-person transformation we were created for.

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Rather than favoring the religious elite, Jesus chose to spend time with the marginalized. Desiring to emulate our Savior, HOPE has a strategic objective to serve communities that are not open to the Gospel and those that have little access to microenterprise development services. Worldwide, the HOPE network intentionally reaches out to some of the […]

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