At HOPE International, we’re motivated by Christ’s call to love our neighbor as ourselves and to make disciples of all nations. Seeking to break through the barriers of poverty, we use our skills as bankers, pastors, and development workers to affirm the God-given dignity of all people and offer them tools to escape poverty.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
We serve because millions still live in extreme poverty.
Today, less than 10 percent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty. While we celebrate this progress, there are still millions who cannot meet their basic needs, experiencing the shame and isolation of life in poverty.
We serve because families in poverty have great potential.
Over 1.7 billion people don’t have access to the financial tools needed to grow businesses, secure savings, and make other household improvements. We believe investing in men and women living in poverty unlocks their God-given talents and skills, equipping them to provide for their families.
We serve because the Gospel is central to poverty alleviation.
Far too often, attention is paid to addressing the physical needs of poor people without addressing their very human need for communion with God.” Brian Fikkert & Russell Mask, From Dependence to Dignity
Only 6% of microfinance clients worldwide are served by a Christ-centered organization that cares for both their material and spiritual needs.* We desire to see men and women around the world find their soul’s satisfaction in Christ and become dignified, hope-filled providers in their families and communities.

What does it look like when HOPE invests in the dreams of families? This video will walk you through the process.
Featured image: Evariste (pictured center), a savings group member in Rwanda, with his family
*Based on data provided by the Christian Economic Development (CED) Network (2017)
I had gone through and have seen you were very concern for those who are living in poverty especially in African countries which they are created in the image of our creator.
I comment that as Christian we should be involved as Christ did in loving all man kind and helping them to meet their needs.To us we must invest in their dreams where they are,the same time we reach with the gospel of our Savior Christ Jesus.