Home » 3 ways HOPE helps families access quality education

3 ways HOPE helps families access quality education

Elizabeth Mutosa's students in Zambia

Pictured above: students in Elizabeth Mutosa’s school in Zambia

Regardless of location, culture, or material circumstances, many parents around the world desire to give their children the opportunities they couldn’t access themselves. Gaining access to quality education is a key part of that journey.

But families in poverty face additional barriers to accessing better education.

When resources are limited, school expenses often must be deprioritized for more essential basics like food, clothing, health insurance, housing repairs, or emergencies. And even when resources are available, the nearest school could be far away and the added expense of getting there pushes it just out of reach. Even if schools are within families’ physical and financial reach, the education quality might be low, leading parents to wonder if it is worth the investment.

The economic impact of HOPE’s work—both through microfinance institutions and savings groups—allows families to generate enough income to prioritize education for their children. And entrepreneurs can access the financing or savings they need to invest in higher-quality schools that fill local education gaps.

Here are three ways to empower underserved entrepreneurs to access quality education in their communities.

Families can pay for school—and share with others

Bosco (center)

When income increases—because of more profitable businesses and better savings—families no longer need to sacrifice education for everyday basic needs.

Before joining Sowers of HOPE, our savings group program for farmers in Rwanda, Bosco Murengera was frequently suspended from school for not paying the required fees. Through Sowers of HOPE, he learned techniques to optimize his family’s plot of land and plant a kitchen garden. Eventually, Bosco was growing enough vegetables to feed his family and sell the surplus at the market.

At last, he had enough to pay for his own school fees—but he didn’t stop there.

Bosco also decided to pay for his two sisters and five other students to attend school, investing not only in his education but others’ as well.

Students—and their families—learn about Jesus

Carrole (top row, center) with her teachers and students

Carrole Moussengue ran a thriving daycare for preschool children in the Republic of Congo before COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns forced her daycare to close in 2020.

In faith, Carrole decided to take a $464 loan from HOPE Congo to furnish her space with benches, chairs, and more. When restrictions lifted and Carrole reopened her school, she welcomed an expanded student body—including children through age 11!

Working with HOPE Congo breathed new life into Carrole’s relationship with the Lord. “When I joined the loan group, I retrieved the rhythm of prayer thanks to the activities of the group and especially HOPE’s method to share the Word.”

Now, Carrole incorporates the same habits in her classroom.

“We have established a prayer calendar in each class. Before sharing the midday meal, the pupil scheduled for the prayer says a prayer for the meal.”

This rhythm of prayer is impacting the broader community. “We have received good testimonies from parents about the prayer activities that we have initiated,” Carrole shares. Praise God!

Gifted teachers have the resources to start new schools

Elizabeth (top row, left) and her teachers and students

Elizabeth Mutosa’s neighborhood had gained a reputation for being a challenging place to live. “Section 10 has been characterized by … activities, like drinking beer, early marriages for young girls, and other activities that rob the peace of every child.”

With her first loan from her savings group, Elizabeth opened a preschool in her home. “I only started with one table and five children,” she recalls. Now, the school has grown to 40 students.

Elizabeth and the two other teachers she’s hired lead the children in singing songs of praise, praying, and learning numbers and reading. They also provide the children with three meals a day. When a child’s family isn’t able to pay tuition, Elizabeth covers the costs.

“When I started running this school, I dedicated it to God and gave myself to help anyone who may lack.”

Praise God for equipping generous educators like Elizabeth to start schools in their communities!

HOPE’s model helps parents pay for school fees and teachers start schools that serve their communities’ needs. We invite you to invest in underserved families—and the students and schools in their midst—today.



As Christ’s followers responding to His great love, HOPE International seeks physical, social, spiritual, and personal restoration in places of brokenness. Through Christ-centered economic development, we empower men and women to strengthen their families, build their businesses, and unleash their dreams.

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