Home » 5 nonprofits we recommend this Giving Tuesday

5 nonprofits we recommend this Giving Tuesday

At HOPE International, we’re always eager to share how God is at work across the HOPE network—but we’re also committed to championing our nonprofit peers. It’s our joy this Giving Tuesday to once again recommend a short list of other nonprofits doing incredible work.

As HOPE has served in contexts of conflict, war, and civil unrest in Ukraine, Haiti, and elsewhere, we have seen firsthand that those who minister in hard places aren’t exempt from the pain of the brokenness around them. This year, we want to recognize five nonprofits supporting the mental and spiritual health of those responding on the frontlines of global conflicts. These organizations’ crisis support and counseling services are essential in helping staff care for themselves and others.

This Giving Tuesday, we’re glad to recommend five nonprofits providing care and crisis support to global workers.

1. Resilience Resource

Location: Englewood, FL 

What they do: Specialize in post-crisis care, critical incident training, psychological first aid, trauma recovery, conflict resolution, and building resilience for those serving in and returning from humanitarian crises

Why we love them: We’ve worked closely with the Resilience Resource over the years. Shortly after the war began in Ukraine last year, they sent a team to Ukraine to care for HOPE staff and equip them for service during the highest levels of stress and insecurity. They have also shared about crisis care, trauma response, and staff resilience with our broader team at our all-staff summit.

2. Barnabas International

Location: Elkhorn, WI  

What they do: Provide training, pastoral care, and encouragement to cross-cultural Christian workers through spiritual retreats and spiritual guidance

Why we love them: Expatriate workers across our global team have long benefitted from Barnabas’ retreats, debriefings, and counseling as they navigate the many transitions of life and service in new countries.

3. Alongside

Location: Richland, MI 

What they do: Offer retreats focused on emotional and spiritual renewal for pastors and missionaries experiencing isolation, burnout, and more

Why we love them: Our team was connected to Alongside last year by a mutual friend and have only grown in respect for their leaders as we’ve gotten to know them. We love that they address the challenges and joys of cross-cultural ministry and focus on pointing participants back to the Lord.

4. Soul Shepherding

Location: Irvine, CA 

What they do: Offer spiritual direction, retreats, and spiritual direction training for pastors, spiritual directors, leaders, missionaries, and coaches

Why we love them: For years now, HOPE staff have benefitted from Soul Shepherding’s spiritual direction, resources, and prompts for staff wellbeing, spiritual reflection, and retreat—such as their resources on staff care during the height of COVID-19.

5. Concilium

Location: Kansas City, MO 

What they do: Offer risk management, security training, and safety guidance for Christian churches, ministries, and NGOs

Why we love them: From leadership training to crisis consultation, Concilium’s services span a diverse array of needs that global workers might encounter across security, crisis management, and member care. Each program is tailored to provide quick, effective assistance.

May these nonprofits inspire you as much as they inspire us. We encourage you to consider supporting their work this Giving Tuesday!



As Christ’s followers responding to His great love, HOPE International seeks physical, social, spiritual, and personal restoration in places of brokenness. Through Christ-centered economic development, we empower men and women to strengthen their families, build their businesses, and unleash their dreams.

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