Reflecting on the last year, we’re amazed at how God has continued to show up throughout the HOPE network. Despite a myriad of challenges worldwide—political unrest, natural disasters, and an ongoing pandemic—God’s compassionate love has been evident to us, our partners, and those that we serve.
We hope that as you’ve prayerfully walked with us on mission this year, the stories we’ve shared have encouraged and inspired you along the way.
In case you missed any, below are some of our most-read stories from 2021:

Meet Melody Murray: Q&A with HOPE’s new board member
“It was a heartbreaking reality for me that sometimes well-meaning Western charity can be detrimental and hurtful.” Learn how a little red produce wagon and a cold call from the Dalai Lama led Melody Murray to join HOPE’s board of directors. Read her story.

4 HOPE staff-picked book titles on poverty and the Gospel
HOPE staff have a shared passion for learning—discover recommendations from leaders around our network for books that have broadened or enriched their own perspective on poverty and the Gospel. See the list.

Plant With Purpose partnership means financial resilience for farmers
In February of 2021, we announced an exciting new partnership! Plant with Purpose is helping Burundian farmers invest in the health of their families, their land, and their livelihoods. Read more.
How Scripture teaches us to fight compassion fatigue
It can be easy to feel disheartened by the enormity of the problems we witness in the world, yet we cling to the promise of a sovereign God who is present with us. Explore tools for fighting compassion fatigue. Learn more.
A Moldovan farmer’s spiritual principle to live by
Learn how Tudor Boboc used a $320 loan to not only provide for his family, but also to grow his business and employ three other people. “Everything I do, I do for God,” he says. Read his story.
Featured image: Marguerite Bucumi, HOPE Burundi savings group member