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When men and women are equipped and empowered through HOPE services—discipleship, training, a safe place to save, and loans—the impact ripples beyond them. Any one of these services can be the catalyst to change a whole family’s life, affecting everyone in the household, even—or especially—the children.

The domino effect is easy to follow: When parents have consistent income, they can provide their children with secure and stable housing, consistent nutritious meals, and pay for their ongoing education. With savings for emergencies, parents also become more resilient to crises and less vulnerable to traffickers and loan sharks who would exploit them in a moment of desperation.

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By Alisa Hoober, HOPE Board Member

Earlier this year, I had the incredible opportunity to visit HOPE International’s work in Zambia.

I’ve traveled and seen poverty before, but being with my children changed how I related to those I met. It was a blessing to visit with our whole family, especially with my three young daughters.

At home, we pray for HOPE and support their work—but showing our children HOPE in action was something I won’t forget. Continue Reading…

“In 2017, when I joined HOPE Congo, I faced some challenges. One of them was the absence of insurance for my taxi. … My vehicle was in poor condition, with an engine problem,” reflects Barrot Nzingoula. 

In the Republic of Congo, owning a reliable vehicle for a taxi business is often considered a promising way to move out of poverty. And the industry is growing quickly. By 2029, the number of individuals working in this business is expected to increase. But Barrot’s prospects didn’t seem so promising: “The future seemed bleak.”  

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Oct 2 2024


FAPE and HOPE International serve Indigenous communities in Guatemala—marginalized groups facing malnourishment, unequal access to land rights, and social exclusion.

It’s 5 a.m. and the aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air. Telma is delivering French bread, sweet bread, and campechanas (pastries) to her customers’ homes before opening her shop. She feels blessed to have a physical place to sell her baked goods in her community in Guatemala.

As a single mother, Telma struggled with the burden of providing for her children, especially their education. Her bakery has been vital to the family’s well-being, but it was a challenge to increase her production and sales.

Telma found the support and financial services she needed through a microfinance group with Fundación de Asistencia para la Pequeña Empresa (FAPE), a Christ-centered microfinance institution in Guatemala. Continue Reading…

God has given each of us time, talents, and treasure to steward for His Kingdom. Financial gifts are just one way you can support families living in poverty! 

Think back to when you first heard about HOPE International. Was it online, at a conference or event, or because a friend told you about our work? Around one of every two HOPE supporters find HOPE through a friend! Your recommendation goes further than you might think. 

Whether you have some extra time this season or want to find practical ways to tell others about HOPE, we are so grateful for your desire to support our work. Check out these fun opportunities to spread the word.  Continue Reading…

Shruti and her husband didn’t know how to save before joining a savings group—they just wanted to better provide for their three sons.  

She couldn’t have guessed it at the time, but setting aside 200 rupees ($2.40 U.S.) each month with her savings group in South Asia would empower Shruti to respond when her family needed it most. 

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