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Savings Group, Haiti

“Sow righteousness for yourselves,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
and showers his righteousness on you.”
Hosea 10:12

The start of a new year offers a wonderful opportunity to commit to seeking the Lord even more intentionally. As 2019 begins, we invite you to join us in a HOPE-themed devotional. Created with our friends at YouVersion, the plans are available online or via the YouVersion app.

Here are three options we suggest, based on what God might be inviting you to this year:

If you have a desire for personal growth, we recommend … Continue Reading…

As a child whose family had lived in Dakar, Senegal, for three years (pictured below), Katy Rogers had seen poverty. Later, as a college student volunteering in Rwanda, she believed she saw a viable part of the solution: Christ-centered microfinance. As she grew in her understanding of microfinance, Katy says, “It felt like, That’s my purpose in life. That’s what God has prepared me for.” Continue Reading…

by David Wills, President Emeritus, National Christian Foundation

In the 20 years I have served with the National Christian Foundation, I have been privileged to interact with some of the most generous people on the planet. Together, we have mobilized more than $10 billion in grants to more than 55,000 nonprofits.

But throughout my career, I also came to believe that not all giving is created equal. In its best form, generous Kingdom giving requires tremendous passion, effort, and intentionality, as well as great reliance on the Holy Spirit. In my time mobilizing generosity, I saw how easily Christians can miss some of the most impactful giving opportunities. If you sought my advice on how to impact the Kingdom through your generosity this holiday season and beyond, here’s what I would recommend you consider:   Continue Reading…

Around the world, we see creative, industrious men and women committed to providing for their families and serving their communities through meaningful work. In this year’s gift catalog, we’ve included some of the tools HOPE International-network clients use in some of the most common jobs in the developing world: animal rearing, farming, tailoring, and store ownership. In this series, we’ll dive into some of the challenges faced by those in that profession.

In the Dominican Republic, they’re called colmados. In the Philippines, they’re called sari sari stores. In Paraguay, they’re called dispensas. In Rwanda, they’re called boutiques. No matter the name, the corner store is a staple of life in developing countries.

Ubiquitous on many a corner in many a community, small convenience stores sell household essentials like flour, soap, cooking oil, and more. For families living in more rural areas, a corner store allows them to access the items that their households need without spending excess time traveling to larger cities. And since many families in developing countries don’t own a car, their local colmado or sari sari store saves them the expense of taking public transit.

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Around the world, we see creative, industrious men and women committed to providing for their families and serving their communities through meaningful work. In this year’s gift catalog, we’ve included some of the tools HOPE International-network clients use in some of the most common jobs in the developing world: animal rearing, farming, tailoring, and store ownership. In this series, we’ll dive into some of the challenges faced by those in that profession.

For many families in the communities where HOPE serves, their dream is to own livestock—a goat, cow, chicken, or pig.

Owning livestock is a key component of food security, providing families with their own supply of milk, meat, and eggs. And since animal products can add greater nutritional and caloric value to a family’s diet, owning livestock can increase a family’s overall health.

Livestock owners can also use manure to fertilize their crops, cutting down the cost of purchasing fertilizer and increasing their yields. Many families also use smaller animals like sheep or goats as a means of investing their savings—it’s often a safer and more productive way to safeguard built-up sums of money.

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization advocates that if more families have access to livestock ownership, global food security will drastically increase. 

That’s why HOPE invests in animal breeders.

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In their book Rooting for Rivals, HOPE’s president and CEO, Peter Greer, and chief advancement officer, Chris Horst, write:

We’ve been given a mission and mandate that requires nothing less than the best of our efforts working together in unity for the sake of the Kingdom … It’s time that we focus on the Church’s unified mission above our organizational agendas.

This Giving Tuesday, we’d like you to consider supporting these five organizations who are impacting communities in the U.S. and around the world. For the sake of the Kingdom, together, we can empower more and more families to overcome poverty and find their soul’s satisfaction in Christ. Continue Reading…