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Families in Bowe village in Malawi used to have only one option for accessing capital: loan sharks. 

These loans came with high interest rates that were nearly impossible to repay, trapping many unsuspecting people in a cycle of poverty. When borrowers couldn’t make their payments, they’d have to turn over land, a significant asset, to cover their debt. Sadly, this kind of predatory lending is common in communities where banks are too far away or people don’t qualify for traditional loans or savings accounts.

After years of seeing neighbors fall into debt, the community ached for a better way.

“I used to struggle with financial difficulties with my husband. This resulted in us always being stressed, worried, and uncertain about the future,” says one community member named Dorica.

So, she and several brave women (pictured above) took a step of faith.

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Maria, a store owner, smiles as she holds cookies in her shop.

As HOPE International has walked with entrepreneurs in Ukraine over the last 25 years, we’ve come to cherish the dreams they have for their families and neighborhoods. We’ve seen them use their God-given talents to create incredible businesses that meet the needs of their communities and provide for their families.

Since Russia first invaded Ukraine, the headline images have shown destruction and the anxious faces of men and women who are facing the very real stresses of war. Yet amid the distress and displacement of millions, we remember the names, stories, and dreams of the people we serve. This is personal for us.

Below, we want to honor the entrepreneurship and hard work of the men and women that HOPE Ukraine walks with. As you learn about their businesses and take in their smiles, we invite you to pray for them by name.

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Living in a rural area of southern Moldova, Tudor Boboc owns one of the largest farms in the region, yet he still knows each of his 150 goats, 30 sheep, and 15 pigs by name, chatting companionably to them as he goes about his daily chores.

But several years ago, Tudor was one of the estimated 1 million Moldovans leaving the country to find better employment opportunities elsewhere. For three months at a time, he lived and worked abroad as a home caretaker, caught, like many Moldovans, in the Catch-22 of leaving his family so he could better provide for them. Continue Reading…

Going to prison marked the beginning of Emmanuel Chamango’s openness to God’s transforming power.

Emmanual describes his former self as someone who avoided hard work, choosing to steal or rely on others to provide for his family. Emmanuel’s imprisonment humbled him. “What led me to come here?” he pondered. “Is it the person who reported me to the police [for illegally farming land he didn’t own], or was it God?” A visiting pastor preached on forgiveness, and Emmanuel took the message to heart. He remembers praying as he never had before. “Slowly I started changing, and that’s when I started loving God.”

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Misha Garnyk, Ukraine

In Ukraine, over 2,200 people have tested positive for COVID-19, with 98 deaths as a result of the virus. Like many countries around the world, the Ukrainian government has taken measures to limit the spread of COVID-19—closing schools, urging companies to have employees work from home, and ordering nonessential businesses to close.   Continue Reading…

At HOPE International, we have the joy of joining hardworking men and women as they glean the fruit of their labors—literally! From plantain farmers to greenhouse owners, see people rejoicing in this season of abundance. Continue Reading…