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There are three houses to the right of Ruslan’s home—and all of them are empty. 

 Leaving his hometown in Moldova was a real possibility for him too. While Ruslan hoped to work locally as a ploughman to support his family, opportunities were limited.  Continue Reading…

“When I need help, God supports me,” reflects Moldovan farmer Evgheni Malai. 

As the Russia-Ukraine war presses into a third year, many families in the surrounding region live in fear that the violence will spread across their borders. Moldova is especially vulnerable, sharing a border with Ukraine and economic ties with Russia. Farmers like Evgheni Malai and his twin brother Denis in Moldova face a difficult choice: leave their livelihoods behind and flee, or stay and learn to adapt their business to a wartime economy.   Continue Reading…

As a father of 10 children and an owner of two businesses in Strășeni, Moldova, it would be easy for Pavel Nichita to feel overextended. A chronic illness confines his wife to bed, and his youngest son lives with a life-altering disability, increasing the demands on Pavel’s time and energy. But to those who know him, Pavel exudes peace and joy. Indeed, he claims, “I am the happiest person alive.”

Yet, Pavel is also familiar with sorrow and struggle. But because of his close relationship with the Lord, he knows God’s mercy and love.

It is through truly knowing God alone that we can endure all hardships.”

Most Moldovan families are small (with a nationwide average household size of just 2.2, according to the Population Reference Bureau), and many Moldovan fathers work outside the country to support their families. In both respects, Pavel considers himself uniquely blessed.

It isn’t easy to provide for a large family, and small loans from Invest Credit, HOPE’s partner in Moldova, have eased the strain by allowing Pavel to make timely investments in both his farming and car repair businesses.

Pavel can only farm when the weather is warm, but with his first loan in 2010 he invested in greenhouse components to extend his growing season. Additional loans helped him repair an old combine for harvesting crops and build a garage in which to repair cars.

These opportunities, too, he sees as gifts from God. Pavel says that his relationship with Invest Credit has helped him learn more about God’s love and see that “He often helps us through other good people, no matter what circumstances we are in.”

Pavel’s circumstances became increasingly difficult during the pandemic. His car repair shop saw no customers. Because of lockdowns, he couldn’t fulfill his passion of traveling to nearby villages to share the Gospel. And many members of his family became ill.

Invest Credit granted Pavel a three-month stay on loan repayments, allowing him time to adjust to changing realities without the pressure of imminent payments.

With the extra time, Pavel was able to better manage his finances and maintain his strong credit history. Even when Pavel wasn’t actively making payments on his loan, his loan officer continued to visit and offer encouragement. Invest Credit staff prayed over Pavel and his family—and Pavel, in turn, prayed for Invest Credit and the expansion of their mission in Moldova.

Around the HOPE-network, incredible men and women are leveraging Christ-centered financial services to invest in their dreams for themselves and their communities. Watch Marcel and Jeanne’s story and see how a $48 loan launched a small business empire and created 41 jobs for their community in Rwanda.  

Reflecting on the last year, we’re amazed at how God has continued to show up throughout the HOPE network. Despite a myriad of challenges worldwide—political unrest, natural disasters, and an ongoing pandemic—God’s compassionate love has been evident to us, our partners, and those that we serve. Continue Reading…

Serghei with quails

Although the soldiers guarding the Moldovan city of Stefan Voda were effectively crushing 26-year-old Serghei Rusu’s business, he knew they hadn’t asked for the difficult job of limiting the coronavirus’s spread. What may have been best for public health certainly wasn’t best for his business, but Serghei found a way to live out Jesus’ commands, blessing those he might have seen as enemies. Continue Reading…

Living in a rural area of southern Moldova, Tudor Boboc owns one of the largest farms in the region, yet he still knows each of his 150 goats, 30 sheep, and 15 pigs by name, chatting companionably to them as he goes about his daily chores.

But several years ago, Tudor was one of the estimated 1 million Moldovans leaving the country to find better employment opportunities elsewhere. For three months at a time, he lived and worked abroad as a home caretaker, caught, like many Moldovans, in the Catch-22 of leaving his family so he could better provide for them. Continue Reading…