I have lived my life in comfort. I have always had enough to eat, a place to sleep, a way to get to where I need to go, a loving family. I have never wanted for anything vital for survival. The hardest decisions I have made to date are where I would like to go to college and which job I should accept. Probability would have indicated a life very different from the one I currently live. I am an outlier. I cannot ignore my location outside of the bell curve. How do I respond to this? More importantly, what is the work God has crafted me to do? Continue Reading…
Archives For Staff / Travels
By HOPE Intl
Staff / Travels Working with the poorHey all – Bryan here. I’m currently serving as HOPE’s Asia and Eastern Europe regional director. Matthew did a great job describing the main purposes around the Summit as well as walking you through the best of what is currently happening in Eastern Europe with HOPE and beyond. It’s now my pleasure to walk you through what I considered to be my favorite part of the Summit —dreaming of what could be. In a world where we spend so much of our time addressing and confronting challenges and constraints, we as a team were challenged to intentionally free ourselves from them and to envision a much more fruitful future. Imagining that 10 years from now each microfinance institution in the region has become the organization of our dreams—having a huge impact for Christ—what would that look like? Continue Reading…
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
Greetings from Eastern Europe! In my first post, I explained the purpose of the individual lending Spiritual Integration Summit. I also realized how hard it is to write anything in only 250 words (sorry Marketing). Today, I’d like to talk about how we started the individual lending SI Summit.
To begin, I’ll share a bit of personal confession: My personality is naturally oriented toward noticing the things in life that are incomplete or need to be fixed. This mindset can be helpful and has its place, but I’ve been learning that an overemphasis on problem-solving has a sneaky downside. Sometimes it leads me (and maybe a few others) to forget to praise God for the amazing things He does in our midst. Sometimes it leads us to become discouraged by the brokenness of the world rather than inspired by the goodness and power of our God. Continue Reading…
Hello everyone. My name is Matthew Rohrs, and I serve as HOPE International’s Director of Spiritual Integration. In case you are newer to HOPE, for us spiritual integration refers to our intentional effort to put Christ at the center of everything we do. This includes client and community outreach, staff discipleship, partnership with the local church, and a deep desire to honor Christ in the way that we offer financial services to the poor.
Over the next few days, I am going to share some thoughts and reflections from the 2012 Spiritual Integration Summit for our individual lending programs. This is my first ever blogging experience, and as a rookie blogger, I hope to share some worthwhile thoughts with our friends in cyberspace. Continue Reading…
By HOPE Intl
Staff / TravelsThrough the Experience HOPE Trips program, participants meet staff and clients of Esperanza International, HOPE’s partner in the Dominican Republic; visit small businesses started with microloans; and return home inspired by the experience. But that’s not all.
Here are five reasons you should experience HOPE Trips.
- You don’t have to take our word for it. Have you ever wondered if microfinance is over-hyped or whether a small loan can truly make a big difference? See for yourself when you meet and speak with small business owners in the Dominican Republic.
- Discuss the problem of poverty with like-minded travelers. Scripture has a lot to say about poverty but isn’t always clear on how to responsibly apply principles of generosity and good stewardship. Spend time discussing God’s call and our response with others wrestling with the same questions.
- Your view on poverty won’t be the same. Think poverty just means lacking money? Expand your perspective as you learn how broadly those who live in poverty define the problem.
- You’ll meet those your support has empowered. If you’ve ever prayed for HOPE’s ministry or given to our programs, you’ve impacted our clients. Putting names and faces to HOPE’s clients helps you pray and give with passion.
- The D.R. is positively balmy this time of year. Temperatures in the Dominican Republic in January average 75 degrees. Need we say more?
For more information or to register for a HOPE Trip, visit www.hopetrips.org.
January 19, 2012, 2:07 EST – Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
I spent my second full day in Kinshasa with the HOPE Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) staff. Once again I spent the day in the field: this time visiting repayment meetings. As I said in yesterday’s post, since the election at the end of November, things have been unsettled in the capital city of Kinshasa. The staff is working hard to get our program back to normal, working hard to catch up on both repayments (collecting payments on existing loans) and disbursements (distributing new loans). So while I wasn’t able to see a normal operating environment while I was in Kinshasa, I did manage to cram a lot of action into two short days. Continue Reading…