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After qualifying for a loan through Esperanza, Flora used the capital to purchase clothing and other goods to sell from her home.

Flora de la Cruz Girón dreamed of starting a business in her community in the Dominican Republic (D.R.). Ideally, the job would allow her and her husband to provide financially for their family, especially while their two children were still young and at home.

While Flora was working one day, selling items along the roadside, a friend invited her to learn more about Esperanza International, a microfinance institution in the D.R. that recently became managed by HOPE International.

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HOPE International | Esperanza official announcement

After more than 17 years of partnership, Esperanza International has entered a new leadership agreement and will now be managed by HOPE International. We’re excited for this opportunity to more deeply collaborate and continue serving men and women in the Dominican Republic! You can read our official announcement below or watch this video from Dave Valle, Esperanza’s founder, and Peter Greer, HOPE’s president and CEO.

Jesse Casler, Chief Operating Officer, HOPE International, charitable giving

by Jesse Casler, Chief Operations Officer

December and Christmas are usually when we think of generosity in charitable giving. In this season, we’re encouraged to turn our attention toward others and share the blessings we’ve received that year. For many, end-of-year giving to nonprofits is also incentivized by tax planning, which results in incredible sums of money donated in the last few days of the year.

In this conflicting storm of consumerism and altruism, we’re inundated with so many messages, each vying for our attention and, ultimately, our money. So, at the start of the year, the last thing we want to think about is spending more or giving away anything. But, if we want to be good stewards of what God has given us, if we’re seeking to use our resources for maximum Kingdom impact, we have to talk about generosity before and after December. Continue Reading…

As we draw near to the one-year mark of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we grieve for those who have suffered, lost loved ones, and have lived amid conflict for so long. At the same time, we continue to place our faith in the goodness and sovereignty of God.

At HOPE, we believe in the power of prayer, and so we invite you to join us in continuing to pray for our Ukrainian staff and the entrepreneurs and farmers we serve.

Here are some ways we can pray together: Continue Reading…

by Katherine Gish, 2022 Marketing Communications Intern

Every summer, HOPE International welcomes interns and fellows to serve with us both in person and remotely. From a unique staff culture to learning how to connect with others, some of last year’s interns and fellows share their experiences for anyone considering if a HOPE internship or fellowship is right for them. 

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Considering an internship or fellowship at HOPE International? To help you decide if spending a summer at HOPE is the next step for you, here are the answers to some of our most-asked questions:

Who is HOPE? 

HOPE International (HOPE) is a Christian faith-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization investing in the dreams of families in the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel. You can read more about our mission, method, and motivation here

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