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by Ugochi Obidiegwu (pictured third from left), 2022 Innovation and Design fellow 

Joining HOPE International as an innovation and design fellow, I was curious about HOPE’s operations. I particularly wanted to see if the amazing things I saw on the website happened in real life.

Therefore, when I saw there was an opportunity to see the work of Esperanza International, HOPE’s microfinance partner in the Dominican Republic (D.R.), I signed up. And I was not disappointed. HOPE’s method of Christ-centered economic development works.  

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It’s a new year! One of HOPE’s commitments—this year and always—is to be a faithful steward, not only of the funds entrusted to us but also of knowledge and opportunities. If you’ve resolved this year to learn more about God’s heart for those in poverty, to understand what life is like for your brothers and sisters around the world, or even to run your own nonprofit more effectively, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help. Continue Reading…

by Anna Hofmann, Writing and Research Intern (’19)

As a college student, having an internship feels mandatory. Maybe you’ve felt pressure to believe this at some point.

Internships can be beneficial and formative opportunities, whether you’re looking to gain experience within a certain field or if you’re simply looking to inform and direct career plans.

Here’s my experience: the deeper value of my HOPE internship was more than my day-to-day tasks. Continue Reading…

by Anna Hofmann (third from left), Writing and Research Intern

Listening is hard. True listening is an active and engaged process, we’re told.

But listening doesn’t feel that difficult or demanding. Yet, I’m learning that listening—true listening—doesn’t just require my full attention; it’s also risky. Here’s what I mean: Continue Reading…

by Maddie Conley

If you’re in college and are anything like me, you’re looking for an internship to beef up your skills, not to mention your resume. But what you might not know is that an internship at HOPE International exceeds just a professional experience. Here’s what you should know: Continue Reading…

By Maddie Conley, Social Media Intern

Each year, HOPE International receives hundreds of applicants for our summer internship program. Those accepted work alongside HOPE staff in a variety of departments doing work that has an impact across the globe. This past summer, 11 interns joined the HOPE team in Lancaster, PA. Some commuted no more than 30 minutes from home, while others left family and friends in other states. Continue Reading…