Many small businesses in middle-income countries have outgrown typical microfinance loan sizes but still do not qualify for commercial lending. Stuck in the “missing middle,” these companies have great potential to provide jobs and contribute to the local economy, yet credit barriers stand in their way. Continue Reading…
Archives For hope-international
Microfinance Stories we loveHOPE Intl
Spiritual Integrationby Luke Harbaugh, Church Representative
At HOPE International, we’re fervent believers that the local church is God’s design for serving those living in great need. As HOPE’s church representative, I get to help pastors equip their churches to live into this calling while faithfully and prayerfully partnering with HOPE’s clients and partner churches around the world.
However, it can be hard for many churches to feel connected to HOPE’s work from so far away. Church leaders often ask for tangible ways to connect their congregations with HOPE’s. Here are some practical ways your church can engage more deeply with HOPE’s work: Continue Reading…
News Spiritual IntegrationAt HOPE International, we’re motivated by Christ’s call to love our neighbor as ourselves and to make disciples of all nations. Seeking to break through the barriers of poverty, we use our skills as bankers, pastors, and development workers to affirm the God-given dignity of all people and offer them tools to escape poverty. Continue Reading…
At HOPE International, we believe it’s crucial to listen to our key stakeholders—clients, field partners, staff, and supporters—to understand their needs and respond well. In Burundi, both HOPE’s savings group program and microfinance institution, Turame Community Finance, have implemented new initiatives in 2018 to respond to client feedback and meet needs in new ways. Continue Reading…
‘The name Diaconía comes from the Greek word diákonos, meaning “servant” or “messenger.” Like the deacons in the Bible, the Diaconía team has a heart for serving and sharing the Good News. HOPE is excited to invest in Diaconía—our newest microfinance partner—as they are poised to reach more people. Continue Reading…