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Last month HOPE did something we had never done before: We hosted a global virtual event, with the aim of welcoming 2,500 friends and raising $2 million to impact 100,000 families! But we didn’t do it alone. Continue Reading…

Sungano savings group members draw water for their crops.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered Zimbabwe’s schools last March, Lorraine Chifamba’s attendance had been spotty. Sometimes her parents could afford her school fees, uniforms, and supplies—but often, they could not. When she and several other young members of her community, ages 11-18, saw an opportunity to help their parents provide, they joined the Sungano (“Covenant”) savings group. Continue Reading…

At HOPE International, we operate in global settings where we’ve seen and experienced how election seasons can be filled with contention. And yet, we have also seen how our incredible global team has responded to these situations. This month, with elections in Moldova (where HOPE’s microfinance partner Invest Credit operates) and the U.S. (where we have our central office and many friends and supporters), we are eager to learn from our global brothers and sisters—how they have responded, especially in election seasons, and loved across dividing lines.

We especially look to the men and women we serve—like this Rwandan savings group comprised of both perpetrators and victims of the Rwandan genocide—to teach us how we can actively pursue mutual understanding and reconciliation. Continue Reading…

Living in a remote community on the outskirts of Comas, Peru, Margarita Moreno collects and sells discarded bottles and recyclables. This summer, Peru experienced a surge in COVID-19 deaths, leading the country to enter a time of severe lockdown. While this time could have left Margarita feeling more isolated than ever, her connection in community has instead grown stronger. Continue Reading…

Earlier this year, a temporary shutdown to stop the spread of COVID-19 restricted the grocery and grill business that Jofrey Mbema (pictured) owns in the Republic of Congo. With his income suddenly and unexpectedly cut, Jofrey’s greatest concern was how to provide for his family. But he also wondered how he’d manage to repay the business loan he’d taken through HOPE Congo. Continue Reading…

Adidas' savings group helped him acquire much-needed medicines when Rwanda was on lockdown.

2020 has been a year of bad news: coronavirus … dust storms … wildfires … financial shocks … the list goes on.

And yet, despite the real hardships many are facing, we are confident that God is still moving, He is still in control, and He alone deserves our praise. As David exhorts, “Sing praises to the Lord! … Tell among the peoples his deeds!” (Psalm 9:11 ESV).

Today we’re singing God’s praise as we celebrate glimpses of His goodness in the HOPE network throughout 2020. Continue Reading…