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We are now in the third month of the war in Ukraine, with heavy fighting continuing in the east and south of Ukraine where Russia has occupied several cities where HOPE Ukraine operates. Missile strikes continue in Kyiv and other areas across the country.

The United Nations is reporting that more than 5.6 million Ukrainians have now fled the country as a result of the war. And 7.7 million people are displaced internally—most fleeing the violence in the eastern and southern regions. Continue Reading…

Originally posted on Peter Greer’s blog.

It’s been more than a month since Russia laid siege to Ukraine. Their brutal and unrelenting attacks have crumbled historic buildings, laid waste to fertile ground, and devastated families, particularly in Ukraine’s eastern and southern regions. Seventy percent of the entrepreneurs HOPE Ukraine serves live and work in these regions. We’ve spent the last weeks checking in daily with staff members—doing all we can to ensure their safety—and connecting with the entrepreneurs we serve to learn how we can pray for and support them. These men and women have many reasons to despair, but once again, I am surprised and inspired by signs of resolute hope. Continue Reading…

Maria, a store owner, smiles as she holds cookies in her shop.

As HOPE International has walked with entrepreneurs in Ukraine over the last 25 years, we’ve come to cherish the dreams they have for their families and neighborhoods. We’ve seen them use their God-given talents to create incredible businesses that meet the needs of their communities and provide for their families.

Since Russia first invaded Ukraine, the headline images have shown destruction and the anxious faces of men and women who are facing the very real stresses of war. Yet amid the distress and displacement of millions, we remember the names, stories, and dreams of the people we serve. This is personal for us.

Below, we want to honor the entrepreneurship and hard work of the men and women that HOPE Ukraine walks with. As you learn about their businesses and take in their smiles, we invite you to pray for them by name.

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The war in Ukraine rages on, with the fighting concentrated in southern, eastern, and northern regions. Thus far, Ukrainian forces have strongly resisted Russian attacks, and there is a great spirit of unity among Ukrainians. The United Nations estimates that over 2 million people have evacuated Ukraine as refugees, and millions more are displaced within Ukraine, having relocated to areas farther away from areas under attack. Continue Reading…

Update: We have a more recent update as of March 9 here.

Russia has launched a large-scale invasion on Ukraine, where HOPE International first began microfinance operations to serve Ukrainian entrepreneurs and families 25 years ago. Bombings and attacks have been reported across the entire country. We are in daily contact with HOPE Ukraine staff as we consider how we can best serve and respond.  

We’re firm believers in the power of prayer, and as supporters of HOPE, the most impactful thing you can do right now is pray—please learn more below to know how you can join us in prayer.   Continue Reading…

As the possibility of escalated violence between Ukraine and Russia increases, we hold the people of Ukraine in our hearts with grave concern and ask for God’s divine intervention.

And we invite you to join us because we believe in the power of prayer: that God moves when His children ask.

We have a deep love for the people of Ukraine. HOPE International distributed its first loans in Zaporozhye in 1997, and we know that this conflict has concerned HOPE Ukraine staff and clients since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and a conflict began in the east of the country.

We hurt with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who have lived under the shadow of conflict for so long. Yet we trust God, remembering He is all-powerful and all-knowing.

Here are four ways you can pray for Ukraine: Continue Reading…