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Pastor Maxim and two women

When Russia launched its large-scale attack on Ukraine, we knew this was a critical moment to show up for the 1,000+ entrepreneurs and savings group members served there and our 47 staff members in the country. Thanks to supporters’ generous giving to our Ukraine assistance fund, HOPE developed a robust response—one that began on the day of the first attack and will extend beyond the end of the conflict.

Stages 1 through 4 of the response plan

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Jan 4 2023



As we look back on 2022, we give thanks for all the ways that God has been at work throughout the HOPE network.

We hope that the stories we’ve shared have been a source of encouragement and inspiration as you have faithfully and prayerfully walked with us through this last year.

In case you missed any, below are some of our most-read stories from 2022: Continue Reading…

At 13, Eric Jeche values going to school with other students in his neighborhood in Zimbabwe. Unlike many of his peers, Eric pays for his own education 

Eric has lived with his grandmother since he lost his parents at a young age. But it’s not easy for his grandmother to pay for his school fees on top of their food, clothing, and other daily expenses, so Eric understands the value of money and work.

Before joining a savings group, he took whatever odd jobs he could find around his neighborhood. 

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This post was originally shared in 2019 and was updated and re-published in December 2022.

Traditions abound at Christmas time. Though each family celebration is unique, we wanted to offer a glimpse into how those served by the HOPE network around the world may be joining together with family, friends, and neighbors to rejoice in Christ’s arrival. We marvel at the beauty of so many countries and cultures celebrating the gift of Jesus’ birth and invite you to pause and reflect on the meaning behind your own familiar traditions.

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by Ricot St. Paulin, HOPE Haiti country director

My fellow Haitians are a resilient people. Their strength to face and recover from any type of challenge is exceptional. But when it comes to institutions or organizations at a global level, there is none more resilient than the Church.

Jesus declared, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18). The early Church believers were united and shared a common vision. They had great fellowship, devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles, and had everything in common (Acts 2:41 – 42).

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Lina Feria never imagined that her small business selling homemade snacks could grow into a flourishing general store. Yet her story testifies that God can use small loans and persistence to transform a business and a whole family. 

Building a business brick by brick 

When Lina first decided to become a member of The Center for Community Transformation (CCT), HOPE International’s partner in the Philippines, she was selling traditional rice cake snacks (called kakanin) that she made at home. 

Although she was not a Christian then, Lina joined CCT because she was curious about their Bible studies. As she got to know staff members and read the Word, she slowly began to learn more about God and eventually gave her life to Him.   Continue Reading…